Tightly Coupled Architecture versus Loosely Coupled Architecture

As IT people, surely we have heard these words from the mouth of the architects. We all know that the architecture type "Loosely" is better than "Tightly. How do you know if the architecture being used is" Tightly "or" Loosely "?

Very simple: if the client requesting a service must be waiting for the reply, the architecture is "Tightly. Also known as "stop and wait". By contrast, in the architecture type "Loosely", a service client can continue doing other things after a service request.

Therefore, all implementations of this architecture, such as 3-tier or n-tiers, on Webservice (with wait request-response), are "Tightly Coupled". Sounds pretty sad in the beginning for many, but well defined.

A very frequent question on type of architecture, "Loosely Coupled" is: How responses are processed once they are available? The answer is: Thread process or a function type "Callback"to handle responses. Therefore, the structure of your client program, usually must be divided into two parts, the part that handles the main flow and the other is the function that processes the answers.